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Preparing for Your First Ironman Event

Ed Baker

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Massachusetts-based entrepreneur and passionate triathlete Ed Baker is in the midst of training for Ironman and Half Ironman events.

If you’re preparing for your first Ironman event, you must decide which race if feasible for you. First, consider how many months away the event is.
Many beginning triathletes need six to 12 months, if not more, to train properly. This largely depends on your daily schedule and current fitness level. If you have limited availability and can train only 30 minutes every couple of days, you will need a longer training period than someone who is free to train for an hour every day of the week.
Next, look into the location of the event. Most athletes prefer events near their homes, but this isn’t always possible. Traveling to an Ironman event adds extra challenges to your preparation, such as determining the cost of travel and accommodations.
Finally, focus on your race day goals. As a first-timer, you probably won’t set goals other than completing the race and enjoying yourself. During the event, you may realize that you didn’t train enough or that the travel cost was too high. These are good things to remember for your next event, when you may set more strategic goals.